When you prepare to close on commercial or residential real estate, you will be presented with a multitude of documents and forms that you must review and sign. Unless you are involved in a real estate profession, these documents can easily be overwhelming. Your settlement agent cannot provide legal advice or counsel and neither can the other party’s attorney.

Often times, before closing, clients want to know how the various reports, inspections and statements will affect their rights in the future. As a purchaser, you want peace of mind that you have a clean start when buying a new property. As a seller, you want to ensure that you no longer have duties or obligations regarding your former property.

From the moment you are presented with a contract and offer, you may find it beneficial to sit down and review with a closing attorney. During this time, any terms or conditions may be explained to you in full. If there are parts of the agreement which you do not like, an attorney may have better leverage when attempting to negotiate with the other side. Our attorney’s are here to advocate for you!

Craig Buck

Craig E. Buck graduated from the University of Virginia with a Degree in Economics.  He received the degree of Juris Doctor from the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William and Mary and became a member of the Virginia State Bar in 1974.

Mr. Buck is the author of The Real Estate Contracts Handbook (available for purchase on Amazon). As an Affiliate Member of the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors, he served on the Standard Forms Committee for many years and was Chairman for two years.  He received the Association’s Affiliate of the Year award.  In 1997, he was named the best settlement attorney in private practice by an independent vote of 200 top area real estate agents.  He is past-President of the Virginia Real Estate Attorneys League.


Teri Anderson Buck

Teri Anderson Buck graduated from the University of Louisville with a degree in Political Science.  She attended the Washington College of Law at American University receiving the degree of Juris Doctor in 1986 and became a member of the Virginia State bar in 1987.

Mrs. Buck has received the Affiliate of the Year Award from the Prince William Association of Realtors. She has also served in the United State Marine Corps.